2012년 8월 3일 금요일

Cross-Reverance is Idolatry

The time, let's study about "Cross-Reverence is Idolatry."
Today,most churches insist that the cross is a symbol of the church, not an idol.
However, the cross is merely an idol that God forbade everyone it make.
It cannot be rationalized with the excuse that it is a symbol of the church.
Now  let's confirm that cross reverence is idolatry  through the Bible.

Ex.20:4 "You shall not make for yourself an idol in the form of anything..."

Lev.26:1 An image, a sacred stone, a carved stone-->idols

Jer. 10:2 A cross, like a scarecrow, is an idol.

Christ Ahn sahng hong taught us  Cross is Idolatry.
Christ Ahn sahng hong is our God who is savior.
We should believe God's word and obey God's commandments .
That is
 Ex.20:4 "You shall not make for yourself an idol in the form of anything..."
If you love God you  should keep what God said.


댓글 2개:

  1. Cross-Reverence is certainly Idolatry!!!!!

  2. The cross is an idol, so if we are children of God, we must not obey it.
