2012년 8월 3일 금요일

Cross-Reverance is Idolatry

The time, let's study about "Cross-Reverence is Idolatry."
Today,most churches insist that the cross is a symbol of the church, not an idol.
However, the cross is merely an idol that God forbade everyone it make.
It cannot be rationalized with the excuse that it is a symbol of the church.
Now  let's confirm that cross reverence is idolatry  through the Bible.

Ex.20:4 "You shall not make for yourself an idol in the form of anything..."

Lev.26:1 An image, a sacred stone, a carved stone-->idols

Jer. 10:2 A cross, like a scarecrow, is an idol.

Christ Ahn sahng hong taught us  Cross is Idolatry.
Christ Ahn sahng hong is our God who is savior.
We should believe God's word and obey God's commandments .
That is
 Ex.20:4 "You shall not make for yourself an idol in the form of anything..."
If you love God you  should keep what God said.


2012년 7월 23일 월요일

God has come as the Spirit and the Bride

God has come to this earth in the humbliest way and is looking for His children.
This earth is a city of refuge-- a prison where the souls who sinned are gathered together.
Jesus came to this earth in the flesh to inspect the sinners from heaven --to see if they were truly living a life of self-reflection and repentance.
When He came to this earth ,however,those who claimed to believe in God were not living a life of repentance as sinners, but instead they were living as those who would dominate others by exerting authority over them.
They judged people only by their appearance, and rejected Christ who gave them the words of truth to lead them to heaven.

The same thing  repeats itself even now.
THe 66books of the Bible, which GOd has given us, is actually a task that human beings must understand and solve.
However, there are so many people who have not found the answer yet.
Numerous people stubbornly insist on their own way, so they fail to understand God's will correctly and end up om a deplorable situation where they cannot receive God who has come in the flesh.

This time is age of holy spirit
Jesus christ's  New name  is christ Ahnsahnghong.
Christ Ahnsahnghong is real God.

If you want to know more
Please Click here!


2012년 7월 19일 목요일

God has come as the Spirit and the Bride

God has come to this earth in the humbliest way and is looking  for His children.

This earth is a city of refuge a prison where the souls who sinned are gathered together.

Jesus came to this earth in the flesh to inspect the sinners from heaven to see if they

were truly living a life of self reflection and repentance.

When He came to this earth however, those who claimed to believe in God (christ Ahn sahnghong)were not living

a life of repentance as sinners,but instead they were living as those who would dominate

others by exerting authority over them.

They judged people only by their appearance, and rejected Christ( christ Ahnsahnghong) who gave them the words of truth to lead them to heaven.

Christ Ahnsahnghong is real God and savior in this world.

2012년 7월 11일 수요일

Why .. Christ Ahnsahnghong

He is God who created this world was begun.
How can wmscog know about christ Ahnsahnghong who is savior in this world?
And how can they know about God the mother??
Who is God the mother? 
She is the only one who give to us salvation in this time.

If you know about God the mother and God the father please contact us





2012년 7월 10일 화요일

God, Wonderful counselor 2

Considering this fact, we come to know that God is truly "Wonderful Counselor." When we look carefully into all things created by God, we can find the profound providence of the Creator in them.
We can also see through the Bible that God's wonderful ounsel is also contained in the whole process of God's coming to this earth and working for our redemption.

Who is God that is testified by bible?
That is Christ Ahnsahnghong!!

God , Wonderful Counselor

Each and every teaching God has given us is written down in the Bible.
However ,there are many people who neither know God nor recognize God's will even though they read the Bible.
It is because God takes away the wisdom and understanding of those who follow man made rules and gives it only to His chosen people He opens their spiritual eyes and ears
so that they can understand His words.
How can we open our eyes and ears?
Only through the bible and listen to Christ Ahnsahnghong.

2012년 7월 2일 월요일

Ahnsahnghong is God the father??

For whom did God esteblish the Passover? It is for us.
It is  because sinners , who are confined in prison,need the blessing of the forgiveness of sins the most.
If we are not sinners, we do not need to receive the forgiveness of sins .
Let's study Jesus' teaching on this, which He gave us on the Passover day.


2012년 6월 26일 화요일

Heavenly father christ ahnsahnghong

Ahnsahnghong is second coming jesus

What pleases God the most is to lead  sinners to repentance.
Then we should do this work.
 We should make all people realize that  they are sinners from heaven,and lead them to repentance.
As heavenly children who received the forgiveness of sins, let us preach the love and sacrifice of Father and Mother to the whole world, so that we may repay  them for Their grace.


2012년 6월 25일 월요일

I love Christ Ahnsahnghong.

I love Christ Ahnsahnghong....
Christ Ahnsahnghong is our savior in this age .
As our father christ ahnsahnghong is my Lord I met second coming Jesus.
nobody knew he is Christ.
He always sacreficed for us got suffer and pain.


2012년 6월 23일 토요일

Christ Ahnsahnghong is heavenly father

We are the children of Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother ,so our life must be different from the lives of the people in the world.
Even if it is hard, let use walk then path of the gospel with courage and confidence as well as uphold our dignity the heirs of God.

2012년 6월 19일 화요일

God christ ahnsahnghong

As we have studied through the Bible ,in this that we live in, we know the new name.

Then we can receive the salvation of our soul, which is the purpose of our faith .

How can we know the new name?

We  can know it only through the Bible (Jn 5:39).

Let's find the new name, the name of the Savior in the age of the Holy Spirit, through the

prophecies of the Bible.



2012년 6월 18일 월요일

Christ ahnsahnghong is our God

This world where we live is filled with trouble and pain.

What do you think the cause is?

In order to find the answer, we need to study about the soul.

GE 2:7  God formed the man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils

            the breath of life.

Only the answer is Christ Ahnsahnghong.


2012년 6월 11일 월요일

Only christ ahnsahnghong

About christ ahnsahnghong.

He is God.
He came to the earth for this sinner and he sacrificed for us any suffer and pains.
Christ Ahnsahnghong never hate us .
Only through perfect love he gave us salvation.
Christ Ahnsahnghong  is our God and savior these days..


My God Christ Ahnsahnghong

I was looking for christ who give me a salvation.
But I couldn't meet him so I wandered  in this world.
Some day two angel came to me and told me about christ Ahnsahnghong who is second coming jesus.
Then I felt  this was really true only he is our God  .
It never be fault.


2012년 6월 10일 일요일

who is christ Ahnsahnghong??

What is the  purpose of jesus's second coming ?

(to bring salvation)

What in Eden is needed to save men who are to die by eating from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil?

What is the truth through which we can eat from the tree of life?

(The passover)

Who has brought this  truth of life ?

Heavenly family and Earthly family

Every earthly  system is a copy and shadow of the heavenly one.
What is the most basic system in this earth?
The biggest thing is Earth-->country-->city-->house-->family.
The family is the smallest system in the world.
We should believe Mother God .
